璿星國際有限公司 221 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號27樓之7 02-7709-5303 02-2771-8076 service@merakspace.com 全國地區
https://www.merakspace.com/images/corpimg.png https://www.merakspace.com/images/corpimg.png
https://www.merakspace.com/images/corpimg.png https://www.merakspace.com/images/corpimg.png 璿星國際有限公司

Merak Space provides solution to improve safety, ease body move, alleviate pressure to carry and transport, and to power strength at work place. ~~~

About Us/公司簡介

About Us
Established in 2021, Merak Space is committed to motivate and assist people to make particular type of changes in lives as well as capabilities at work.
Our team members..

Solution & Product/產品與應用
